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Clean Air Process & Containment

Clean air is our business and we produce a portfolio of high integrity particulate and gaseous air filter inserts and filtration systems to support the critical ventilation and process applications associated with the Food and Beverage, Microelectronics, Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical industries. MCAF filters ensure the safety of operators and the environment, and maintain product purity.

MCAF supplies HEPA panel and cylindrical filters, primary and secondary filters, filter housings, terminal filter housings, push through housings and safe change filter systems for both clean rooms and processing equipment. Filter systems can be designed and fabricated to meet the EU Pressure Equipment Directive.

clean air

clean air

clean air

M.C. Air Filtration Ltd, 21a Bailey Court, Gillingham Business Park, Gillingham, Kent. ME8 0PZ

Tel: +44(0)1634 77 54 00